Making the world of work smarter and more sustainable

Sustainability at Techstep is about helping customers deliver on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments, but it is also about using resources in a way where they aren’t depleted over time. It is about taking care of people and the environment, both today and in the future.

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Techstep is committed to creating a real impact that benefits society

Techstep supports the UN's sustainability goals and 2030 agenda. Our commitment to the UN Global Compact means that we will do our best to run our business in line with their principles. We have identified several relevant goals where Techstep can be a positive contributor:


Responsible consumption and production

We promote circularity and responsible use of mobile devices through life-cycle management and responsible end-of-life handling.



Climate action

We develop mobile technology solutions helping customers reduce their environmental footprint. We are also tracking our climate footprint to improve our own environmental performance.

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Decent work and economic growth

We set high expectations to ourselves and our suppliers to ensure that human rights and employee rights are protected in the supply chain. This is also reflected in our commitment to the UN Global Compact.


Gender equality

We promote diversity, inclusion and equality when recruiting and developing our employees. We have also established initiatives to attract more women to pursue a career in technology.

Sustainability report 2023

Read more about our environmental, social and governance (ESG) efforts and priorities in our latest annual report.
Climate & environment

Solutions for the future of the planet

Responsible consumption means that we optimise the use of mobile devices, and use mobile technology to work smarter and more sustainably. We believethat our solutions help customers get the most out of the devices they buy, before the devices are taken back for reuse, repair or recycling.
People & society

Embracing diversity and equality

At Techstep, we strongly believe that our success depends on a healthy, engaged, and competent workforce. We strive to provide our employees with a professional, safe and trusted working environment in which all individuals are respected and treated fairly, equally and with dignity.
Governance & compliance

Responsible operations

Through our membership of the UN Global Compact, we have committed ourselves to operating our business in line with important principles and conventions from the UN and the International Labor Organization (ILO) relating to human and worker rights, environment and anti-corruption.  We expect our partners and suppliers to do the same.

Governance & compliance

Information security and privacy

Whenever customers select Techstep to guide them on their mobile technology journey, they trust us to protect their company and employee data. To protect this information, we have established a robust security and privacy framework that ensures our solutions remain compliant with applicable laws and regulations.