July 6, 2023

All the Apple Products: A long-term investment for your business and environment

Learn why investing in Apple products is a wise choice for both your business, the end user, and the planet.

All the Apple Products: A long-term investment for your business and environment

Short summary of the article:

Investing in Apple products offers numerous benefits for businesses, users, and the environment. For companies integrating Apple products into their operations they can excpect improved productivity, higher customer satisfaction, and stronger long-term growth potential:

  • High Residual Value: Apple devices retain their value well beyond the initial purchase, ensuring a strong return on investment over their lifecycle.

  • Durability: Their longevity reduces electronic waste and contributes to environmental sustainability by minimizing the need for frequent replacements.

  • Software Updates: Apple's commitment to ongoing software updates for older devices maximises their lifespan, reducing environmental impact.

  • Quality and Longevity: Choosing Apple products means investing in quality, longevity, and environmental responsibility. While price is important, considering factors like residual value and lifecycle approach is crucial for long-term ROI and environmental impact.

Apple's commitment to high residual value, durability, and sustainability sets a benchmark for the consumer electronics industry. By producing long-lasting devices, prioritising sustainable design practices, and actively supporting older devices through continued software updates, Apple demonstrates its dedication to minimising environmental impact and delivering value to its customers. This is why investing in Apple products is a wise choice for both your business, the end user, and the planet. 

The quality of your device has implications for the environment 

While mobile devices have revolutionised our lives, electronic waste (e-waste) is increasingly impacting both human health and our environment in a negative way. The term refers to a wide range of electronic devices, such as computers, tablets, mobile phones, cameras, and various other electronics, which sometimes tend to be left dormant in the workplace and people's homes.  

Although this might sound harmless; the lack of recycling leaves our society with a huge loss of minerals and materials that could have been reused for new devices instead of digging for new ones. Nevertheless, the big harm happens when the devices too often are being dumped in landfills or exported to developing countries, leading to severe environmental pollution and health hazards. For the mentioned reasons, the quality and durability of the mobile devices we decide to purchase have huge implications for our ability to reduce, reuse, and recycle mobile devices to decrease the negative impact on our environment.  

Apple devices retain their value well beyond their initial purchase. 

Apple's commitment to producing durable and long-lasting devices sets them apart. The combination of solid components and comprehensive quality control measures ensures that  Apple devices continue to function optimally, even after years of use. This longevity not only enhances the user experience but also contributes to the overall sustainability of the products, by reducing the need to buy new products too often. 

For this to work in practice, it is crucial that the devices are continuing to get software support and updates even for older versions. Unlike many other brands, Apple ensures that older devices receive the latest operating system updates, allowing users to enjoy new features and security enhancements even on older models. This commitment to software longevity extends the lifespan of Apple devices, reducing electronic waste and maximising the value for users. 

Working towards a closed-loop supply chain 

With a strong focus on using recycled and renewable materials, Apple is able to reduce the negative environmental impact of its products. For example, Apple has introduced recycled aluminium in its devices and is working towards a closed-loop supply chain, where almost 70% of the aluminium used in 2022 came from recycled sources. By seeking to reuse or recycle materials and resources back into the manufacturing process rather than discarding them, Apple is aiming to eliminate the need for mining new resources. Actually, Apple has activated a team of disassembly robots, Daisy, Dave, and Taz, to lead the way in recovering crucial minerals such as gold, cobalt, tungsten from recycled devices.

Apple actively promotes responsible disposal of electronic devices through its recycling and trade-in programs. Customers can return their old Apple devices through the Apple Trade-In program, where they receive credit towards the purchase of a new device. If you are not thinking of buying a new device right now, you will get the value as a gif card instead. Apple also ensures that devices that cannot be refurbished are recycled responsibly to recover valuable materials and minimise negative environmental impact, without any cost for the user. A classical win-win! Additionally, Apple's commitment to reducing carbon emissions has led to advancements in energy-efficient technologies and the transition to renewable energy sources for its facilities and operations.

With Apple devices you can feel confident in your choice   

Apple's commitment to high residual value, durability, and sustainability sets a benchmark for the consumer electronics industry. By producing long-lasting devices, prioritising sustainable design practices, and actively supporting older devices through continued software updates, Apple demonstrates its dedication to minimising environmental impact and delivering value to its customers. This is why investing in Apple products is a wise choice for both your business, the end user, and the planet.  

When choosing to procure mobile technology for your organisation, take a step back an reflect on the reason why, and what kind of value these mobile devices will add to your business. There is a natural risk that your procurements will continue to chase the lowest price per phone, while missing the long-term perspective and the future return on investment. No doubt, price is always an important aspect in procurement, but is the lowest price cheaper if you also take residual value, durability, and the environment into account? 

Rely on a trusted partner when choosing your devices for the future 

As an Authorised Enterprise Reseller of Apple devices, Techstep is well positioned to help your organisation implement Apples technology. We help you with the planning, deployment, and implementation of all equipment. We can also help financing new equipment and provide you residual value for the old, which reduces the financial footprint associated with implementing the project. Our competence and experience at Techstep in using Apple at work ensure the shortest, most economical route to using mobile devices in a safe, productivity enhancing, and more sustainable way.  


Contact us today to discuss how this could be done in practice!

